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With thousands of schools to choose from, how do you figure out which one’s right for you?

College is not a prize to be won, said Frank Sachs. As former president of the National Association for College Admission Counseling, he should know. Keep this line in mind when you’re trying to decide where to apply or if you’re in the happy situation of having admissions letters from multiple schools. Now there’s a lovely warm feeling! But it comes with a strong dose of FOMO because there’s really no way of knowing what you’re giving up when you choose one school over another.

So think of it another way. You’re not giving up anything. You’re choosing what’s best for you. You’re deciding based on the school’s setting and location, the courses it offers, its community and classes, alumni and professors, activities and clubs, whether or not its right for you. You’re choosing a college that will change your life

Go back to all the questions you asked yourself when you started the application process. Who are you? What are your strengths and talents? What are your weaknesses? What makes you happy? Who do you want to be? What do you want to do?

Which subjects did you enjoy studying in school? Think about why. 

Did you play, act, sing, write, speak, lead, volunteer? Which of these activities would you like to continue with in college?

Get into the nitty gritty of these questions. Make your brain work. If it’s not making you hungry, this process, you’re not thinking hard enough!

Think about how you felt when you visiting the schools. The people you met, the conversations you had. Did you make notes on your phone perhaps? Revisit them. Now that you’ve reminded yourself of the answers to those questions, which school do you think fits you best?

Don’t let FOMO get to you. When you choose the school that’s right for you, you won’t be missing out on anything at all.

Got questions? Drop us a line.