You have much to learn, young Grasshopper.
Another favorite line, this one’s from Kung Fu (1972) and well before your time. But equally, well worth watching.
In the meantime, it’s summer and you’re ready to start the application process. How do you start? Where do you begin?
We can’t cover this in a single post, so we’ll start with the hardest bit: getting organised. Applying to college is not as simple as applying to the top ten or twenty. Because guess what? Everyone’s doing that. Why do you think the acceptance rates of the top schools are so low?
Competition is fierce, expectations are high and the pressure is intense. So you have to do a lot of research and a lot of thinking. Check out college websites and forums. Look at reviews and their social media pages. AND LOOK AT AS MANY ESSAY QUESTIONS AS YOU CAN.
Most importantly, start an excel spreadsheet or use the notions app or anything else that strikes your fancy to get organized. You will need to track the basics – school name, location, admissions and financial aid deadlines as well as essays (common app and supplemental), short questions, test requirements and tuition and admissions fee. The common app does a good job of helping you track these but there’s nothing like a colourful grid flashing red to get your heart racing.
We’ll be back 🙂